Kids Swimming Goggles

It’s summer and kids are spending more time in the water, their eyes are going to need some protection. A comfortable, quality pair of goggles will be the most important accessories you buy, and they are more than just an accessory to appease a child. Not only do goggles help with underwater vision, making for a less anxious experience for new or burgeoning swimmers, they protect against irritants. Chlorine is a powerful and necessary disinfectant, but according to the CDCP, that eye-sting you feel after a day of swimming is not actually the eye’s reaction to the chemical itself. The sting is a reaction to the chem binding to the sweat, sunblock, urine, and other bodily wastes of swimmers. Binding is also what causes the chlorine smell at pools. When you think about it, goggles starts to feel like less of a luxury and more of a necessity.

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